Founded in August 2014, ZENY Group began as an economic supplier of tents and hammocks. ZENY operates its business in North America through its US division, Apple Tree International Corp. Over the next few years, the company rapidly grows in development and sales, allowing us to expand with a wider range of products. With our stellar quality products, we began to offer different selection of products geared towards the kitchen, sports/ fitness, home goods, outdoor décor and much more. By offering superior products to our consumers, we continued to thrive in making sure our customers were satisfied.
We understand customers not only want to receive a quality product, but in a timely fashion. The company strategized a plan to help tackle the situation by expanding to multiple locations as a solution. Spread across the U.S., our facilities are located in California, Tennessee and Delaware. Currently, our 3 locations allowed us to reduce transmit times to our customers by covering as much regional area as possible. Successfully, the average time for a customer to receive their package is now 2-3 business days.
ZENY® has become one of the common household brand names throughout the years. We have also become successful top sellers on marketplaces such as eBay, Amazon, Rakuten, Groupon, and Walmart Online. The company's mission is to provide our customers and their families with the best merchandise at the lowest prices. We are dedicated to helping consumers around the country purchasing great quality products at affordable prices.
ZENY® appreciates the dedicated staff, and the hard work they put forth every day. We are a family-oriented company that values each and every one of our employees. By having this devoted staff, ZENY® has been able to guarantee the satisfaction of our products through quality service, low prices, and fast safe shipping. It is our number one goal to keep you satisfied.